CSS and It's Associated properties
We have already seen how useful or handy CSS files are for web designing. In this blog, we will check out a list of CSS properties. You can use these properties for formatting purposes. Over here, we will be seeing a single property of each category. There are many and you can check them out later. Let's begin....
Background Properties:
1. background-color:
Use for declaring the background colour.
Values- RGB values, hexadecimal notation, valid colour names.
Syntax- div { background-color:green; }div { color:#00FF00; }
Border Properties:
1. border-top-style:
Defines the style of the top border.
Values- dotted, dashed etc.
Syntax- div { border-top-style:solid; }div { border-top-style:inset; }
Classification and Positioning Properties:
1. Clear:
Declares element side(s) where no prior floating elements are permitted to be adjacent.
Values- none, left, right, both.
Syntax- div { clear:right; }div { clear:both; }
Dimension Properties:
1. Width:
Declares element width.Values- default value auto, lengths, percentages.
Syntax- div { width:500px; }div { width:75%; }
Font Properties:
1. Font-style:
Helps declare font style.Values- italic, normal, oblique
Syntax- div { font-style:italic; }div { font-style:oblique; }
Generated Content Properties:
Declares the kind of quotation marks to make use for quotations and embedded quoatations.Values- default value none and string values.
List Properties:
1. list-style-position:
To declare the position of the list marker.Values- inside, outside
Syntax- ol { list-style-position:inside; }ul { list-style-position:outside; }
Margin properties:
1. margin-top:
Top margin declaration for the particular element.Values- %, lengths, default value auto.
Syntax- div { margin-top:5px; }div { margin-top:15%; }
Outline properties:
1. outline-color:
Declaring colour of the outline.Values- RGB values, valid colour names, hexadecimal notation.
Syntax- div { outline-color:green; }div { outline-color:#00FF00; }
These were a few CSS properties, their associated values and the syntax to just give you an idea.