Wednesday, 7 June 2017

CSS and It's Associated properties

              CSS and It's Associated properties

We have already seen how useful or handy CSS files are for web designing. In this blog, we will check out a list of CSS properties. You can use these properties for formatting purposes. Over here, we will be seeing a single property of each category. There are many and you can check them out later. Let's begin....

Background Properties:

1. background-color:

Use for declaring the background colour.

Values- RGB values, hexadecimal notation, valid colour names.

Syntax- div { background-color:green; }div { color:#00FF00; }

Border Properties:

1. border-top-style:

Defines the style of the top border.

Values- dotted, dashed etc.

Syntax- div { border-top-style:solid; }div { border-top-style:inset; }

Classification and Positioning Properties:

1. Clear:

 Declares element side(s) where no prior floating elements are permitted to be adjacent.

Values- none, left, right, both.

Syntax- div { clear:right; }div { clear:both; }

Dimension Properties:

1. Width:

Declares element width.

Values- default value auto, lengths, percentages.

Syntax- div { width:500px; }div { width:75%; }

Font Properties:

1. Font-style:

Helps declare font style.

Values- italic, normal, oblique

Syntax- div { font-style:italic; }div { font-style:oblique; }

Generated Content Properties:


Declares the kind of quotation marks to make use for quotations and embedded quoatations.

Values- default value none and string values.

List Properties:

1. list-style-position:

To declare the position of the list marker.

Values- inside, outside

Syntax- ol { list-style-position:inside; }ul { list-style-position:outside; }

Margin properties:

1. margin-top:

Top margin declaration for the particular element.

Values- %, lengths, default value auto.

Syntax- div { margin-top:5px; }div { margin-top:15%; }

Outline properties:

1. outline-color:

Declaring colour of the outline.

Values- RGB values, valid colour names, hexadecimal notation.

Syntax- div { outline-color:green; }div { outline-color:#00FF00; }

These were a few CSS properties, their associated values and the syntax to just give you an idea.

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